Search Results for: Degree Transfer Program

Music Performance at the Elder Conservatorium

...Beethoven and Brahms programme. The Conservatorium provided free tickets for approximately twenty College students and staff to enjoy the concert in the historic Elder Hall, within the University of Adelaide.... READ MORE ⟩

Foundation Studies

...your chosen degree. This will be sent to the personal email address you provided the College. If you are not satisfied with our recommendation, or have any questions, please book... READ MORE ⟩

Visa Information have. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us more information. To study a program at the College you will need a Student Visa. For... READ MORE ⟩

General Academic English

...for more GAE Remote Learning Support Program (RE-CAP) This schedule is subject to change, check eCollege for updates or refer to your teachers. RE-CAP Zoom TimeMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 8.30am – 9.30am Elsa... READ MORE ⟩
Last updated: Friday, 03 Apr 2020