How to create an active learning environment?

The layout and arrangement of furniture in teaching spaces have a huge impact on where students focus their attention and how they behave in class. In response to these insights, the University of Adelaide College has recently implemented a whole new approach to how we set-up our classrooms. READ MORE ⟩

Top 5 Must Do Events at Adelaide Winterfest

With our long hot summer and autumn now past us, Adelaide’s finally cooling down. If you thought however that winter might be your chance to stay in your room and hibernate, then think again. Just when you thought the festival season was over, about to kick off is Port Adelaide’s Winterfest. READ MORE ⟩

Get to know your additional support services

Do you know what services you can access as a student at the University of Adelaide College? Maybe you know about the English language help you can get at the Student Resource Centre, or the careers services available to increase your employability? READ MORE ⟩