Student Stories: My life, my course, and how my club helps me.

Did you know that if you’re studying at the University of Adelaide College, you can join any of the clubs and societies on offer at the University of Adelaide? With more than 100 choices available, it’s a perfect opportunity to pursue an existing interest or try that activity you’ve always wanted to try. READ MORE ⟩

University of Adelaide Shortlisted for UK Teaching Award

We at the University of Adelaide College are thrilled this week to share the news that our long-standing partner in articulation, the University of Adelaide, was recently one of 27 institutions shortlisted for the UK Higher Education Academy’s inaugural Global Teaching Excellence Awards. READ MORE ⟩

Adelaide Farmers’ Markets

Over the last three decades, Australia has become internationally renowned as one of the world’s leading producer of fresh food. Meat, vegetables, fruit, cheese and dairy, wine; you name it, we’re making it in bulk and of the finest quality. READ MORE ⟩

Don’t Panic! A Guide to Coping With Stress as a Student

Student life can be hard at times. You're juggling a lot of different commitments, studying for exams, working part time and meeting all your deadlines. You're expected to work and research independently and you're learning lots of new things all at once. You're so focused on getting good grades that anxiety creeps up on you. Suddenly, you feel like everything is getting a bit out of control. Don't panic! We've compiled a step-by-step guide to help you cope with stress and get your student life back in line. READ MORE ⟩

11 Tips on How to Prepare for Your Exam Like a Boss

With exams at the College pretty close on the horizon, preparation techniques are on everyone’s mind. Memory games, organization, charts, and lists: everyone’s got ideas on how to get top grades and survive the exam period. READ MORE ⟩